Roosterville Writin’ – Weekly summary

photo of this week's purchases
It was a busy week!
Lots of new writing toys!

Pages written: 18
Letters written: 2

Levenger True Writer fountain pen – Java
Levenger True Writer fountain pen – Java
Lamy Al-Star & Filofax Notebook Gift Set – Orange
Goulet Pen Cleaning and Tuning Package Set
Ink Sample Package – Goulet Favorites (Brian Goulet)
Lamy CopperOrange ink (50ml Bottle)
Goulet Silicone Grease

The Levenger pens were a belated anniversqry gift to Lauraa and myself (love uou baby!)The Al-Star and Filofax were something special I’ve been wanting for awhile now. At the price Goulet Pens was offering them for, I just could not resist.

I’ll be blogging about most of these items individually in the future.

Keep writin’!