I was just reading an article on inlovewithjournals which prompted me to say a little something about MY new journal I’m getting for Christmas. (OK, I’ve already got it…just couldn’t wait)
The new notebook is an M by Arc from Staples. Maybe you’ve seen them. I first found them a couple of years ago. I’d been using plastic Circa notebooks from Levengers. Though I lusted for the beautiful leather covers the Levengers catalogs tempted me with, I just couldn’t spend that kind of money on them. Then a coworker showed up with one, I THOUGHT. I was quite surprised to find it was from Staples and cost less than 20 bucks! He graciously picked up a couple for me, a green leather which I gave to my wife, and a black one for me. Leather at last!
This year, the Levengers catalog was once again tempting me with a new addition, a tan Circa notebook that I immediately fell in love with. I drewled over the photo for hours, but again, the over $100 price stopped me. Then I remembered Staples. I looked, and there she was… a beautiful brown colored Arc journal. I put it in my shopping cart, along with a red one for my wife, and some others for dear friends who have hellped us out tremendously during this past tough year. We wanted special gifts to thank them a little for all they’ve done.
We then each went to the Levengers catalog and picked out rings for our new treasures, copper for Laura and gold for me. The results were simply beautiful!