Now THAT statement could be finished a lot of ways. Today, I’m thinking spring. The sun is shining, and it’s a breezy 56 degrees outside. I’ve got a window cracked open, letting in some fresh air and the song of a male cardinal. He’s been singing quite a bit for the past couple of days now. Some Celtic fiddle is playing on the stereo, and Rorri the Wonder Dog is sleeping in a big patch of warm sunshine.
Days like this make me feel pseudo-Irish (after all, St. Patrick’s Day is just a few days away). The Celtic music adds to that, and Spring trips to Weston, Missouri flit through my mind. Weston seems to be deeply associated with Spring to me. Gosh, I haven’t been there in a few years. Maybe I’ll be up to a little road trip there before this year is gone.
I may be crazy, but it feels like spring IS coming back!